About This Program
This program is putting all you learn from Control, Artificial intelligence and learning techniques programs in applications level. you will develop four different robots, include: Arm Robot, Unmanned Ground Vehicle, Unmanned Aerospace Vehicle and Autonomous Underwater Vehicle.
Duration: Upcoming
Course 1: Robot Arm
After finishing this course you will able to build a multi joint robot arm, develop a path planning and control the motion in order to perform a specific task.
Module 1: Introduction to robotics
Module 2: Where things are in the space (2D & 3D)
Module 3: Planning and Navigation
Module 4: Forward kinematics
Module 5: Inverse kinematics
Module 6: Robot velocity
Module 7: Robot joint control
Module 8: Build physical prototype
Software used
- Matlab
- C
Cousre 2: UGV (Unmanned Ground Vehicle)
After finishing this course you will be able to develop an autonomous ground robot.
Course 3: UAV (Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle)
After finishing this course you will be able to develop an autonomous flying robot.
Course 4: AUV (autonomous Underwater Vehicle)
After finishing this course you will be able to develop an autonomous underwater robot.